New Year, New Website – Ta Da!

Gratitude.  It’s the word that comes to mind as I write my first post on my new blog.  I am so very grateful to my family and friends for their patience and support over the past year as I talked myself into, then out of, and then back into the building of this website. A special shout out to Blair E. for making this possible – you rock!

Thank you for visiting my website. I hope to share with you a little bit about “moi” and the inspiration behind my work as well as the journey behind each piece…well, maybe not every single piece. If I’m feeling brave, I might venture further and write a little about my other interests; interior design, fashion, and food.  I am, after all, lucky to live in a very cool city, and married to a wonderful guy who just so happens to love cooking! I’m no writer, so be patient with me, please.  More to come later.

Á bientôt!
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